This is the biggest number you can represent using 32 bit system.

The problem arises because 32 bit software can only measure a maximum value of 2,147,483,647 seconds. This system makes a lot of sense when you need to see how much time has passed between two dates. UNIX time coding has since been incorporated widely into any software or hardware system that needs to measure time. When a bunch of engineers developed the first UNIX computer operating system in the 1970s, they arbitrarily decided that time would be represented as a signed 32-bit integer (or number), and be measured as the number of seconds since 12:00:00 a.m. For those who aren't well-versed in computer science, bits are how memory is stored they are how computers save documents. The 2038 problem will affect software that uses what's called a signed 32-bit integer for storing time. Ultimately, Y2K caused ordinary people very few problems - but that's only because there was a huge expenditure of time and resources within the tech business. Virtually every company on the planet running any type of software had to locate their specific Y2K issue and hire someone to fix it. Although Y2K was not a disaster, it was a massive disruption to the tech industry at the time. All the software - a fantastically laborious retrospective global patch. In 2000, we bypassed the Y2K problem by recoding the software.
Once again, just like in 1999/2000, every single piece of software and computer code on the planet must now be checked and updated again. Now there's a new, even bigger global software coding fiasco looming: A huge amount of computer software could fail around the year 2038 because of issues with the way the code that runs them measures time.